Over 30 banana boxes of groceries (1,600+kgs or $5,600 worth ) were collected by the Rotary Club of Dunedin Central as part of their "Random Act of Kindness Day". That's an enormous amount of food. The groceries have been given to KiwiHarvest to distribute to food banks in Dunedin. Another excellent Rotary initiative.
Rotarians at work:
Rotary is proud to be supporting Kiwi Harvest.
Over 30 banana boxes of groceries (1,600+kgs or $5,600 worth ) were collected by the Rotary Club of Dunedin Central as part of their "Random Act of Kindness Day". That's an enormous amount of food. The groceries have been given to KiwiHarvest to distribute to food banks in Dunedin.
According to Wikipedia, the Commodore VIC-20 was the computer of the future when it was released in 1982. I was 7 years old when my dad came home with one - my sisters and I thought we were the bee’s knees. We used our old TV as its screen and spent hours entering code to play games.
The Rotary Club of Waimate along with the Waimate District Council, Colorprint NZ Ltd and Stowell Motors Ltd have shown to the Waimate community a covered in Shuttle Trailer. An asset that can now be used by all community organisations, schools, all sports groups, Church groups and any other groups that have to travel out of our District and there is a need to carry along their equipment.
When disaster strikes, Rotarians around the world come together as people of action to help those in need. To support communities in their rebuilding efforts, The Rotary Foundation is proud to announce our new Disaster Response Fund.
Rotary is dedicated to six areas of focus to build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever.
To celebrate 100 years of Rotary in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands in 2021, Dr Stephen Clarke, a professional historian, has been commissioned to research and write a landmark publication on Rotary in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, 1921–2021. Dr Clarke started work on the book in last year. The book will be part of a suite of activities under what is called the Mana Tangata Programme to celebrate the Centennial.
Innovative Young Minds (IYM) is a week-long residential programme, based in Silverstream, in the Hutt Valley. It is designed to inspire young women into the science, technology, innovation and engineering sector — where young women are underrepresented. Started by Rotary Hutt City in 2017, with the Hutt City Council as Principal Sponsors, IYM has taken off.